Haul | Tori's First!

   WOOOOOOO. After months of trying to get a video done, I have posted one of me being extremely awkward...you know, so the world can see it. Anywho, my cat makes an appearance, so you're welcome. xxTori (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ ...
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Videos | Double Trouble

    Why hello there everyone. Long time no see, eh? Anyhow, we're making up for it with a double feature! Tessa and I filmed two videos for you guys this weekend - the 3 Minute Makeup Challenge and the I  ♡ Summer Tag. Comment, like, etc. if you all would...
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Videos | Double Feature

Hello, loves!     Just a quick note here from me. Rachel and I were staying together this weekend and filmed a couple videos for you all. However, I do not have the videos to edit and post as they are on Rachel's camera. So, we will have them posted for you ASAP and...
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Postponed | Kayson

Hello lovelies! So, I have a good post coming for you guys! Buuuuut I just simply can't find twenty minutes today to give you a post you deserve! (As well as i havent done the process yet) So this is my quick post to tell you I will be doing my post "how to survive your 21st" on...
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On Repeat #12

TESSA All These Girls - Atlas Genius      This Australian duo caught my attention after hearing them on the radio a couple of times, and even more so after I learned I would be able to see them live in September (so much excitement for that concert it's unreal)....
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Miracle Product | J&J Baby Oil

     A funny story accompanies this AMAZING product. (Did that make it clear enough to you how much I love it?) I was in Target buying this along with some lotions and baby shampoo and the cashier who was a guy around my age gave me a weird look... probably because...
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Review | Alba Botanica Natural AcneDote Astringent

     Even though this product says that it is an astringent, it definitely doesn't dry out my skin like other astringents do. I don't have acne, just the occasional blemish here and there, but I haven't had any spots since I started using this product. When I first...
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Empties | July - Tessa

Hello there! So I've been trying to save some products that I've used up in the past few months to show you guys and give you a mini-review/overview of my opinion. This is definitely not everything I've used up, just things I've remembered to save! There's no method to my madness...
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Review | Hot Buns

Hello! So I'm sure maybe some of you have seen the infomercial for Hot Buns on TV. I was at CVS the other day and it was only 25% off of $9.99. So I decided to just go ahead and try it out because I usually rock a messy bun anyways.  So you're gonna get something that...
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Everyday Makeup | Rachel

     Ayoh ladies & gents, I'm back for my weekly post to let you know what makeup I've been turning to recently. Seeing as it's gotten quite hot here as of late, aaaaand I give myself very minimal time to get ready in the mornings, everything is fairly simple.  ...
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On Repeat #11

TESSA Girls (Run The World) - Beyonce Okay, so I was going to stray from my usual hip-hop genre this week for something a bit more indie but Rachel, Tori & I made the (rather great) mistake of watching the Beyonce special on HBO & I have been in a bit of a Beyonce...
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Review | Mascaras

Allo, chaps. Today I decided to review some products for you - specifically, mascara. I'm personally  not a huge mascara junkie (*ahem* Rachel and Tessa) so it's easy for me to take the ones I have and go over them for you readers! Smashbox Hyperlash ($22) This is my faveee...
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Favorites | Summer Nail Polish

Short post, sorry guys. I'm in the midst of getting a new (haha, more like a 2002 model with lowish miles) car from my family in Colorado; so planning that trip for next week is eating away a lot of my time. Missouri has really shitty laws in place for the title, bill of sale,...
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OOTD | 07.15.13

 Hello there.      So I'm kinda copying Rachel this week and doing an OOTD but I'm really lazy and also have zero post ideas currently (if you have anything you'd like to see leave it in the comments below or on my video or tweet at me or whatever!).      Enjoy me awkwardly balancing on one foot trying to show...
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Haul | Beginning of July

  Hello! So today is going to be a mix of a video haul and a text post haul! For your viewing "pleasure" the video is here♡ Cat earrings from Forever 21. I have this problem where I feel the need to always buy something just because they have cats on them. $2.80  Enchanted...
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OOTD | 07.10.2013

      Yoooooo, here's just a quick outfit of the day from earlier this week! Hope your Sundays are dabomb.com and I'll speak to you guys next week. L8r. WAAAAATCH IT. xx Rachel (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), ...
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50 Random Facts | Jenny

Why hellerrr there, broke peoples! I know I've been kinda lame with my posts recently but I've been a little all over the place. I was supposed to upload a Brother does my Makeup Tag video but my computer decided to throw a fit and completely erase it. So alas, I scoured for it...
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On Repeat #10

Firstly, we apologize for missing On Repeat last week (let's be honest we have awesome music taste and you're sad you missed out on it too)! But without any delays, here are this weeks picks! xx FBG TESSA Forest Green - Odd Future So I have my friend Tyler to thank for this one....
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