OOTD | 09.28.2013

     Hola everyone! So, Tori and I got a lil' bit fancy last night and went to see a performance at the Kauffman Center. Adulting. Anywho, since sweats and a topknot were probably in poor taste, I opted for something slightly more put-together than usual....
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On Repeat #20

JEN If So - Atlas Genius    So while you are reading this post, it is very likely I am seeing this band in concert. They are INcredible and I'm so glad Tessa made sure I listened to them this summer. I did a little towards the end but just recently have had their...
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Hair | Hair Care Routine

Hey sweet angels, today I am going to sort of give you my "hair care" routine. A few years ago I made the unfortunate decision to let a friend of mine give me a loose perm (out of the goodness of my heart clearly) for a grade at cosmetology school. Which obviously resulted in some...
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Comparison | BB Cream War

I have never been a BB Cream fanatic, I never bought into it. That is until I got a sample of the Dr. Jart Premium BB Cream in my ipsy bag. Holy mother of god. I have worn it every day since I got it. It goes on so well and is so light on the skin. So I almost had used...
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First Impressions | Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm

So this week's post is a bit of a two-in-one: a first impressions along with a mini review of Clinique's Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm. In my last post I mentioned how I went on a bit of a skincare rampage courtesy of Caroline Hiron's blog, so this is on her recommendation. My...
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Lifestyle | Staying Healthy in College

Happy Monday! I am in such a good mood this week because I get to go home this Thursday! I am beyond excited.... although this means I have a major pile of work to do before I leave so this post is going to be short and sweet but hopefully informative! This post is actually...
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Wishlist | ASOS Autumn + Winter

     With the arrival of the cooler weather, I've been perpetually shopping for some suitable wardrobe additions. Online shopping is a particular issue, and I find myself frequently getting lost on Asos. If you haven't heard of it, you're missing out. Essentially...
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On Repeat #19

KAYSON Sorry - Naya Rivera ft. Big Sean I'll be the first one to admit how huge of a gleek I am. Which means I like to support the actors/actresses with things outside of Glee. So, of course when Naya came out with her first single I had to listen. At first, I was like "Oh...
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Favorites | Fall

Hey gorgeous people! So today I'm gonna talk about a few of my favorite fall items. Fall is hands down my favorite season of the year, besides Spring which is a close second. I'm going to try and add as many pictures to show you colors etc. but my posts keep "failing" every time...
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Haul | Ulta

I blame Target for this haul. I went in solely to get Essie's Bahama Mama and they were out. Luckily for me, I have Target, Sephora, and Ulta all in the same shopping area. So I innocently went into Ulta to pick up Bahama Mama. What ended up happening was me getting 111...
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Comparison | Avon v Formula 10.0.6

So I've had both of these masks for a while now and thought it was about time I shared my opinions with you guys on both, and put them up against each other just for the heck of it. First up is AVON's Clearskin Pore Penetrating Black Mineral Mask. This caught my attention in...
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Wishlist | GAP

Oh, the struggle is so real in my life right now. I am piled with homework on homework on homework that it's almost become ridiculous (no, it is ridiculous). Try as I might, my to-do list continues to grow. Alas, I have found two ways to relieve stress: I exercise every day and...
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Face of the Day

     Hellur ladies & gents! Back to quickly share the makeup I donned yesterday. Since it was a fairly casual Saturday of errands, lunch, etc. I didn't get too crazy. So, here we go.      For my base, I used YSL's Le Teint Touche Eclat  since...
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On Repeat #18

TESSA Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus Honestly, I've changed my choice for this week roughly five times, there's just been too much I've been listening to and loving lately. The first time I heard this song was actually during my PRSSA meeting on Tuesday — and love or hate Miley...
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Better Late Than Never | Kayley

Okay, so I realize it's ACTUALLY Friday (the 13th, to be exact) but I am just posting to explain my recent lateness and absence. I have not been absent luckily for sickness but none other than internet problems and scheduling. For whatever reason last week I was having internet...
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Review | Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel

As you know from a post or so ago, I wasn't too psyched to get this in my last Birchbox. That being said, I've had a chance to use it and I've had my ideas changed. I was worried that it would dry my sensitive skin out like everything else does. It seriously does not matter...
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The Fall Edit | Beauty & Fashion Bits

So the Pumpkin Spice Latte has returned at Starbucks, which if you ask any white girl, is obviously the tell-all sign that fall is here. Well, I don't know about you, but here in Kansas temperatures are still in the 80s and 90s and I'm just dreaming about the day I can finally throw on a sweater and leggings and boots and not be sweating to death....
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GRWM | Casual Weekend Makeup Video

Hello everyone and happy Monday! Or not so happy... I have my full first week of school and spent all day Saturday and Sunday doing homework and preparing for classes. I figured I'd share with you all the easy makeup I do on the weekend when I go to the library or coffee shop. Simple, but still nice looking. Not scary. Which is always a plus. Hurrrr...
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The Fall Edit | Nail Polish

     Alrighty, I know Tessa has an autumn edit queued to go up soon (get excited, woopwoop) but I'm jumping the gun and sharing a few of my favorite nail polishes that are getting me ready for weather less similar to the deepest rings of hell. These shades will help...
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Review | All Lacquered Up

        Recently, there's been a new generation of liquid lipsticks cropping up in several brands's lines. No longer are we restricted to the standard bullet lipstick - though that isn't going anywhere. Modern lip lacquers are currently making the rounds. Now...
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On Repeat #17

TORI Gasoline- Alpine      Like I said last week, I've been in a bit of music rut lately. So I turned on the Spotify MS MR radio and this lovely tune came up. I really enjoy Alpine in general. Most of the songs are a nice semi quicker pace/ beat. While they do...
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