On Repeat #32 | Best of 2013

Seeing as it's the last time we'll post On Repeat in 2013, it's only appropriate that we post our favorites from 2013. Obviously, this was pretty tough for all of us, but listed below we were able to choose 5 of our favorite songs from this year. So enjoy, lovlies. xx FBG P.S....
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Winter Candles

Hola, everyone! I missed last week due to a personal crisis (yes, it was actually a crisis, I'm still dealing with it) but I'm back again this week to show what I've purchased recently at Bath and Body works, it's all candles. I couldn't resist. They were having a sale as per...
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Festive Fingers

    Though I'm likely to reach for a more muted offering, come holiday season it's nice to be a little more glitzy. Below are three tried and true options I'll be turning to this year. No. 1 | Revlon Stunning       The most versatile of the bunch,...
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On Repeat #31

TESSA Favorite Song - Chance the Rapper ft. Childish Gambino I have no real explanation for this week's choice except that I like Chance the Rapper and Childish Gambino. And this song obviously. Gambino recently dropped his new album, which I haven't had much of a chance to...
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ipsy | December

So I've done a really good job this month and didn't peak at what was in my ipsy bag online before it came. I'm actually quite excited about what I got this month, and since I'm on a make-up ban for the month this is pretty exciting. So let's just dive right into my first impressions. Be...
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2 Brows, 4 Ways

**Firstly, let me apologize for being absolutely shit at blogging. We just got our new puppy Auggie this past week and it's been a lil' hectic. But I am back, talking about something very important. So read on.      As you should well know, we here at...
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On Repeat #30

TORI Hate Me Soon- Yellow Ostrich With two male vocalists in a row, I think I'm on a roll. I've loved Yellow Ostrich for some time now. That being said, I think I gravitate towards their first and latest EP, Ghost.. I haven't actually fully listened to their second album, Strange...
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The Bare Minimum

I know you all are probably really sick of hearing me talk about how I'm always late and running out the door and my make-up to match. But this week I've had some serious issues with that, seeing as I'm in the midst of final papers (perks of being a journalism major: tests are...
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Christmas Wishlist

So today i'm going to give you all a little brief christmas wishlist of mine!  ♡♡Urban Decay's Naked 3 palette. The latest Naked palette from Urban Decay is my number one on the list for obvious reasons. I'm not a HUGE fan of the other two palettes but this one is...
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Muscle Memory Makeup

From looking at upcoming posts, it looks like a couple of us had a crazy week and still another one to come. I, for sure, am not an exception. It never fails that when I am crazo-nutzo (as my coworker would explain things) I rely on muscle memory to do my makeup....
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Favorites | Study Music

Hola, friends. If you are partaking in the college lifestyle, then you are aware that finals are looming before us (or you've already started, OR you're already done. And if you're done, let it be known I despise you). I thought I would share some of my favorite tunes for studying,...
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Review | Tourmaline Skin Refiner

(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ...
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On Repeat #29

JEN Demons - The National    Hi, my name is Jenny and I'm obsessed with The National. Literally, where have they been my entire life. SO. GOOD. If you're a fan of Alt-J, Silversun Pickups, etc, you need to go to Spotify or click on the link above and give them a...
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Go To | Face of the Week

Hello lovlies! It's been quite sometime since I've shared with you what I've been wearing on my face. Pretty sure it was September, actually. And this week I've settled into quite the routine with my make-up, typically because I'm running about 15 minutes behind and I'm too lazy...
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Lifestyle | Jewelry Organization

Hey guys! I know I've been a bit MIA lately. I started fostering a lil pup last Tuesday and am in the process of adopting her. Being from a shelter, she had pretty bad kennel cough, so my absence has been due to taking care of a sick puppy. Anyway, today I thought I would show you...
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H&M Accessories Holiday Wish List

 It is finally December and if you know me, this time of year is my absolute favorite (along with every other white girl, lolz). But really, I just love all the patterns in clothing this time of year, not to mention the decorations and generally feeling of community...
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Hello all! So sorry for being late on this post, and I know you were expecting something different if you follow us on Twitter and I truly apologize for that! However, I will have that video as promised for you sometime this week. For now, I'm going to stick with the theme of lateness and post an empties video that should have gone up a while ago....
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Review | Flower Zoom-In Ultimate Mascara

         As someone who peruses the cosmetics aisles of WalMart quite frequently, I was surprised when I saw a new brand pop up. Flower Beauty, founded by actress Drew Barrymore, has taken over an end cap at my local store. No doubt, the unique and well-designed...
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Favorites | Places to Shop

This post is all about places to shop that provide quality clothing without completely breaking the bank. We all know about Forever 21 and H&M but what happens when we get older and need to actually start buying stuff that lasts? Clueless, obvi. Or maybe we want something...
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On Repeat #28

TESSA Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo ft. 2 Chainz At this point we all know 2 Chainz is my guilty pleasure. But this week's pick is fully to blame on Kayley and One Direction (the video I'm linking will make you understand why). Not only did it confirm that I have the same personality...
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