GRWM | Rachel

         Hola ladies & gentleman, here's a quick get ready with me video, woop woop. Hope you guys enjoy! As always hope you're chillin' out, maxin' and relaxin' all cool on this fine Sunday!  Later dudes, xx Rachel (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new...
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On Repeat #9

L KAYSON I'm Not Your Toy - La Roux      So, for the past 3 years I've been a fan of La Roux. Like most people I heard her song "Bulletproof" on the radio a few years ago. However, when I like an artist's song on the radio I look up there other songs that aren't...
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Month of June.

So I've decided that my last post for every month is going to be a bit of a conglomeration (that doesn't look like it's spelled right, but there's no red squiggly line so I'm gonna assume yes and that I'm just a kickass speller). It's going to have a couple favorites of the month,...
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DIY | Green Tea Facial

Green tea does amazing things for your skin, whether you drink it or use it in a cleanser, moisturizer, or the like. Tea oil is known for helping with numerous types of skin. It doesn't leave skin oily or shiny, just moisturizes and leaves your skin glowing. There are really three...
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Review | Cargo Blush in Los Cabos

This little gem I happened to receive in a Birchbox about a month back (at least I think it was last months.. I could be wrong. Don't quote me on that) and I've been in love with it from the second I opened the packaging. The packaging is the standard Cargo tin, which I actually...
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DIY | Homemade (Almost) Microdermabrasion

Hello, sweets! So, if you've ever had microdermabrasion or a facial in general you know how amazing your face looks and feels. Unfortunately, they're not exactly on the cheap side. So, I've found this little DIY recipe that leaves your skin feeling great and looking a little bit...
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Nailed It | Rachel

 Why hello there, I hope you're all having a wonderful/lazy Sunday like I am. Considering this weekend has been much busier than I originally anticipated (I'm in a state of shock after all this social interaction), my post will be just a wee bit short this week. Anyhow, I...
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On Repeat #8

RACHEL Beating Hearts - Savoir Adore                                                                ...
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OOTD | Outfit of the Day! (or last Saturday, at least)

 Hola! So last Saturday I actually dressed myself before Rachel dragged me to the mall and out to eat. The struggle was so real to get out of bed before noon. Anyway, I figured I might as well use my outfit for my post of the week since it's unlikely I'll look this normal...
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Lifestyle | What I'm Reading

     When I supposed to be studying for finals, I went ahead and bought a bunch of books to read over the summer. Amazon is definitely not my friend. Adding up the receipts, I spent almost $45 on these seven books. I normally like to read nonfiction, memoirs,...
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Ipsy Glam Bag | June

 Yoooo!      Sorry this is up so late but you know how it goes with work and what not. Anyway, here is my new video opening my Ipsy Glam Bag! Here's a link for more info on ipsy! My personal profile is kansasbeautyy xxx Tessa (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ ...
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