On Repeat #8

Beating Hearts - Savoir Adore
Oh hey, surprise. This week is another electronic duo. They've coined themselvesas "fantasy pop", whatever the hell that means. Regardless, I've fo real enjoyed their album Our Nature recently. The lyrics to this particular track are fairly sappy for me (maybe I'm bitter), but I suppose I've moved past that. "Dreamers", "Speed Bump", and "At the Same Time" are A+ tracks as well. These (plus a good bit of N*Sync/Backstreet Boys...) have been all up in my ears for a few weeks now. So if much like me, you need a good ol' male/female electroduo in your life, you're welcome. Problem solved.
Say When- Jukebox the Ghost
I don't think I've used this band for On Repeat before, which is beyond ridiculous, because I would definitely say they are one of my favorites. My friend and I went down to Lawrence a couple years ago to see Jenny Owen Youngs play, however, she was stuck in Nebraska. Little did I know that I would get to hear a two hour set of this trio. I honestly cannot even think of the words that would do this band justice. I think I've seen them 5 times this year alone? Noorrmmalll. Anywho, Tommy does a really nice job of singing about shitty situations in an upbeat way in "Say When"...you know, before he rips your heart out with "Man In The Moon."
A Real Hero - College, Electric Youth
This song right now. I can't even. If you haven't seen the movie Drive with Ryan Gosling, you need to right now. I watched it last night for (kinda) the second time and the soundtrack itself is beyond anything normally acceptable for a movie. Plus Ryan Gosling. I mean. C'mon. Perfection. The entire soundtrack is full of these haunting songs that have incredible background beats that make you want to drive all night to nowhere. Listen to this one for sure and then check out the rest of the soundtrack, especially Under Your Spell.
Beat It - Sean Kingston ft. Chris Brown & Wiz Khalifa
So if you follow me on twitter, you were probably expecting something off of Kanye's new album or J Cole's or Mac Miller's. But after hearing this song on the radio countless times this week, I knew it had to be my pick. It's really catchy and has a good beat (I feel like I say that about every song, but it's true!). I'm not the biggest fan of Chris Brown's personality, but he does have musical talent and I can never pass up Wiz, even if he is just featured on the track.
Dreams - The Cranberries
So this is just a BIT of a throw back but, this is easily one of my favorite songs of ALL time. So it would only make sense that it is constantly on my playlists. It's such a unique genre not to mention her voice is beautifully unique. I originally heard this song on "my so-called life" back in middle school, The-N would play reruns of it. I immediately fell in love with it! Essentially, it's just a great song if you're unwillingly falling for someone. Would recommend without a doubt.
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