Favorites | Lip Products to Transition from Summer to Fall

Hello fellow broke peoples! Sorry I've been so MIA recently, moving in to my new apartment while simultaneously working all day has been one of the most stressful things to ever occur in my life. I have finally managed to organize myself to a level that I can be comfortable taking...
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On Repeat #16 | OUR 100TH POST ON FBG!

     So if the title wasn't a hint for you.. This is our 100th post on FBG! We're so excited that our blog is growing and so thankful for all your comments & page views & support! If you haven't already, follow the blog on twitter, and our personal accounts....
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Skin Care Routine | Kayley

                     Hey loves! So I decided to do a little skin care routine for you guys! Products Mentioned: The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil Cleanser, Toner, and Skin Clearing Lotion Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel Olay Fresh Effects Shine Shine Go Away Alba Good and Clean Toxin Release Bremenn...
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Birchbox | August

Hello lovelies! I definitely had this post ready to go this morning but I guess it never posted. So I know I'm a bit late on this, lo siento! Anyway! I was so excited to get my first Birchbox on Monday so I thought I would share with you the goodies I got. Tan Towel Classic...
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GRWM | Everyday Make-up

So when this goes up school will officially be back in session for me (ew). Anyway, enjoy my go-to everyday make-up and me being more awkward than ever before. xx Tessa (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) ...
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Haircare Routine | Rachel

         Hello ladies & gents! As the title clearly indicates, today I'll be sharing what I use to take care of my hurrrr. Just as a reference, my hair is quite fine - so it tends to get flat and oily quickly. However, I like more voluminous and textured...
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On Repeat #15

KAYSON Casanova - Hoodie Allen(ft. Skizzy Mars,G-Eazy)      So since Tessa took Hoodie last week, this week is my week. This isn't off of his new EP but a good song none the less. I originally got hooked on this song because of the chorus/hook, the chorus/hook...
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Back to School | Taking Time Off

Sooo, you're taking time off. You probably feel one of two ways; one being useless and maybe a little stressed/bored or second, you feel absolutely wonderful without the stress of school work, BUT, you're still a tiny bit bored because possibly every one else around you is super...
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Back to School | Work/ School Transition

Hey guys! So in the last post I mentioned how I was starting school and work, so I made a video about how that's going (ew. all time low motivation levels). Anywho, I sort of rambled about my hectic schedule and my goals for the semester. So go watch that video over here! And as always, feel free to leave a comment on posts/ videos you would...
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Back to School | Agenda Organization

     As you can tell from Jen and Rachel's posts, we're in a bit of a back to school theme this week. Fortunately for me, school doesn't start for another week (whoop whoop one more week of freedom), but I'm already trying to get into a routine and stay organized.     ...
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Back to School | Casual Wardrobe

     Hola ladies & gents, today I thought I'd share four outfits that are typical of my back to school wardrobe (set to Usher, so obviously it's awesome). Most are fairly casual, since I quite like to be comfortable walking around campus, etc. I'd love to know what your back to school staples are, so comment below! Speak...
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Back to School | Easy Outfit Ideas

Happy Saturday everyone! Sorry my post is a little late, I got back from the lake Wednesday and have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off since. I know we agreed to not start Back to School week until next week, but I have two ideas and I figured I'd start it...
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Miracle Product | Zit Stick

     Hi Guys! So I realize I've really been bad lately about posting on Monday, but things have been hectic, but from now on I am here and I'm ready to get back on track. So, today I am going to tell you all about a little "miracle" product I believe I've found....
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On Repeat #14

TESSA Two Lips (Acoustic) - Hoodie Allen So if you haven't checked him out since I talked about him before, now is your chance. Not only is he a talented rapper, he released an acoustic EP that is ridiculously great. "Two Lips" was one of my favorites off of his Crew Cuts album...
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Three Blogs I'm Loving

I guess this is my personal version of On Repeat, but focusing on fellow blogs/bloggers. They are blogs I've found myself checking regularly for updates, as well as checking their YouTube channels. Also! Look out for a new August lifestyle blog from me next week. Lots of new (maybe...
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Wishlist | August 2013

Hi there, loves! So since I am at zero inspiration level for videos and in total lust of so many products for back-to-school, I've decided to share my current wishlist with you guys! This post will focus mostly on my beauty/make-up wants since I just posted a haul of clothing...
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Back to School | Easy Snacks

           With school edging closer, most people become significantly busier (including myself). This presents a serious problem. Well, many problems - but let's stay focused. I mean to speak of the issue of snacking. It comes as no surprise that...
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On Repeat #13

Hello loves! I promise, we're going to try our best to not miss On Repeat again. Two weeks without our wonderful music taste is too much. Unless you guys would prefer to see an extra post on Fridays and On Repeat once every two weeks? Let us know in the comments or on twitter!...
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