On Repeat #16 | OUR 100TH POST ON FBG!
So if the title wasn't a hint for you.. This is our 100th post on FBG! We're so excited that our blog is growing and so thankful for all your comments & page views & support! If you haven't already, follow the blog on twitter, and our personal accounts. It's amazing how far we've come since coming up with this idea in the middle of a class in a group text message, and obviously it's become so much more! Thanks for your support and enjoy this weeks On Repeat! We love you! xx
Feds Watching - 2 Chainz ft. Pharrell If I had to admit my guilty pleasure rapper, it would hands down be 2 Chainz. Sometimes I just listen to his lyrics and laugh because their so ridiculous. But since upgrading to Spotify Premium (finally), this has been on the Billboard Top 100 Chart, and it's been a to-go on all my drives since I have a 30-minute minimum commute to work and school. The bass is ridiculous so I feel like a badass when I'm listening to it, which is always a plus factor, at least for me. Oh and Pharrell is featured in this song, so if you didn't fall in love with him from Blurred Lines — which by the way you should have — he's also great in this song. Anyway, enjoy my guilty pleasure. I'mma be fresh as hell if the feds watching.

Obedear- Purity Ring
I was having a difficult time with what song I was going to choose this week. I've been in a music rut, I suppose. Anywho, I was watching a makeup tutorial by Augusta Jeorgia and this song was featured and I haven't stopped listening to Purity Ring. I took a break from them because when this album first came out I heard it at least 3 times a shift at Barnes and Noble, so I needed my space. But the time has come, and I can't stop listening to it again.
Thank You - Led Zeppelin
This song is in honor of my friend Conor coming to visit this weekend! This was the first Zeppelin song he introduced me to (other than the obvious famous ones) and I haven't looked back since. The guitar solo at the end is great and the message it sends is just a positive, uplifting one about someone who you find inspiring. If you haven't discovered Zeppelin yet (or 70s rock in general) this song is a great one to start with and slowly allow yourself to be consumed by the awesomeness that is and was the 70s rock era.
nature feels – Frank Ocean
I know, I know. I posted Frank Ocean last week. But I promise this song is so on point it’s worth ignoring the repetition. My brother actually introduced me to this mixtape, which you can download fo’ free. Aww yiss. The remixes are fantastic. “nature feels” is a reworking of “Electric Feel” by MGMT. So the awesomeness continues to compound. Plus “american wedding” is laid over The Eagles’ “Hotel California” and references Pretty Woman. Need I continue? Check this beauty out.
Little Things - One Direction
Okay okay, so I know i've recently done a One Direction song not even a month ago, but I'm SORRY, after seeing the This Is Us movie I couldn't help it. Those little assholes got me again. I will say though in January when I would be driving home late at night this song would come on the radio and I was instantly sold, and it made me happy (I know, how sappy). It's possibly the sweetest song ever written (Thanks Ed Sheeran) and sung perfectly by these jackasses. So, if you're looking for an amazingly cute song to absolutely melt over, I suggest this one.
Little Things - One Direction
Okay okay, so I know i've recently done a One Direction song not even a month ago, but I'm SORRY, after seeing the This Is Us movie I couldn't help it. Those little assholes got me again. I will say though in January when I would be driving home late at night this song would come on the radio and I was instantly sold, and it made me happy (I know, how sappy). It's possibly the sweetest song ever written (Thanks Ed Sheeran) and sung perfectly by these jackasses. So, if you're looking for an amazingly cute song to absolutely melt over, I suggest this one.
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