Tutorial | Cat

Hello all! Happy Halloween! Today is hands down my favorite holiday in existence. I was a little short on time this week because I am starting a job at a salon/spa and they have me training like crazy! I did however have time to show a quick "cat look" for any feline costumes on...
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Recent MAC Purchases | Tori

So Rachel and I stopped by the MAC store before class yesterday. Mistakeee. I told myself I was only going to look, which I knew was a lie. However, nothing really caught my eye the first go around. I had heard from numerous people that MAC's Blush in Harmony was...
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The No Make Up Menu

For those mornings when you just don't want to put in effort, or you're running late (I'm out of bed with only 15 minutes to get out the door: A novel, by yours truly), and you don't want to skip make-up all together.. Enter: the no make up, make up look. These are the product...
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Sale Sites

Monday afternoon. It's the schlump of the day on the schlumpiest of days. Those are both words now, by the way. Today I'm going to discuss a few sites that I browse when I'm procrastinating homework. They are part of this new trend to have designer or higher-end products on sale for brief amounts of time (weeks, days, hours) and shopping addicts like...
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The Nude Lip Edit

      While I am quite the fan of a bright lip, some more muted options have been making their way on to muh lips recently. However, I find them a little difficult to tackle. Brighter hues are usually never an issue for me – but oh man nude lips can go oh so wrong....
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On Repeat #24

TESSA Cocoa Butter Kisses - Chance the Rapper feat. Vic Mensa & Twista I apologize for leaving my rap behind for a bit, and also that it took me so long to download this album. And Rachel's brother is fully to blame for this because he wouldn't let us listen to anything...
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FOTD | Tori

Hello lovlies! I thought I would just quickly share what makeup I've been wearing. I don't think it's actually changed in a week. I'm tired, muscle memory takes over, leading to wearing the exact same makeup every day. Anywhooo, here it is y'all. On the Face: I know Rachel...
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Review | Adorn Nail Polish

Hello loves! So a couple weeks ago I said in a video I had something really cool planned for next week. And by next week I obviously meant a few weeks later. Whoops. Anyway, it was to introduce you to this brand: Adorn Nail Polish. Now, if you've never heard of Adorn, don't worry...
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Review | Michael Marcus Cosmetics Nail Polish in Lust

Here you are: a post up on time from me. Expect another one this Saturday and then another in a week! I'm trying to get back on track. Today I'm reviewing Michael Marcus Nail Polish in Lust. I have another nail polish from this brand as well, in Relaxing by the Pool. I received...
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Get Ready With Me | 10.03.2013

     What's up? I've made my much belated return to YouTube (expect more frequent videos henceforth) with a fairly simple get ready with me! All products are linked in the description box, and please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you wish to see more! l8rrrrrr. xx Rachel (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ ...
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Favorites | Recent Favorites

So this isn't a monthly favorite by any means (I am fully aware it is literally the middle of October), but I figured I would share which products I have been using the most recently! Click play on the video below, yo. xx Jen (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new...
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On Repeat #23

TORI Back to Black- Amy Winehouse      I was never really a massive fan of Amy Winehouse. Of course her voice is awesome, but I just never got into it. That is until I was randomly watching The Voice and heard a contestant sing this song. That was the beginning...
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Fall Make Up Looks | Part Two

First things first, I apologize for this going up without a video (horrendous planning on my part). Secondly, I apologize for the ridiculous delay on getting this up. Life's been more than crazy lately, but without further ado, here it is, in all it's beauty: my fall make up looks, part two. As always, follow us on Twitter and comment and subscribe...
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What's In My Bag

So, I decided to a do little video for you guys this week! It's not much, but hope you enjoy. See you all next week! Kayson xo FBG twitter (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) ...
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Favorites | Mascara Edition

                                                            Oh mascara. In the rush to look put together mascara and lipstick...
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Review | Hard Candy Blush Crush Baked Blush

     With most everyone after a luminous, radiant complexion highlighters seem to have become a staple in most people's kits. I'm definitely in the cream/liquid camp in terms of preference. Be it eye shadow, blush, or base I find that a creamier consistency...
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On Repeat #22

TORI This World- Selah Sue      I've had a girl crush on Selah ever since Rachel and I saw her perform in Denver a year ago (take me back plzzz). I absolutely love her style and for some reason my obsession with her has made a come back this week. Her voice is...
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Fall Make Up Looks | Part One

Hello, loves! So originally I was going to show you two looks in one video, but it was going to be about 15 years long if I did that (no exaggeration, I promise). So my intro to this video is now a lie and irrelevant. Enjoy part one this week and I'll put the other up next week! Hope you're all doing well & good luck on midterms if you have...
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Hair | Drugstore Superstars

Obviously I've noticed a sharp decrease in the amount of products I've used since cutting my hair. Nonetheless, I love these products whether my hair is short or long. I have dry hair, so anything to help with that is just super. Especially when it's long because my hair is...
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Lifestyle | How to Slim Down Your Wardrobe

      Now, I don't know if I'm freakish and abnormal - but I absolutely loathe throwing out clothing. My closet has zero breathing room because, no! I couldn't possibly fathom throwing out that shirt I bought three years ago that I haven't worn in months....
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On Repeat #21

TORI Glory and Gore- Lorde       Okay, so we should have all been aware that Lorde's first full length album, Pure Heroine, came out this week. I know I was distracted listening to Roaring 20's, but thanks to Rachel, I was quickly reminded. I wasn't...
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Subscription Box | October Wantable Box

Hellerrrr there. Sorry this is getting up late, I was traveling this weekend and got back Monday to a disastrous day. Not to mention I came down with some weird cold/stomach bug and I had an exam Tuesday. I managed to film this quick video for you guys about a Wantable subscription. I don't think I'm going to continue this subscription just because...
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Review | Maybelline FIT me shine-free foundation

Hello sweet angels! I decided to do a little review for you guys today! In case any of you were skeptical about stick foundation! ♡  Pros ♡ Shine Free Quick application Hygienic on the cheaper side ♡Cons♡ Not enough coverage for my taste Some times hard to blend in Kayson xo FBG twitter (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ ...
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The Fall Edit| Nail Polish

It's no secret that we here at Five Broke Girls love our nail polish. Rachel did her fall edit for nail polishes and I thought I would share some of my newly purchased favorites. Essie in Bahama Mama: I know I've talked about this first one before in a haul, but it truly...
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Favorites | September - Tessa

Enjoy some September favs! And please excuse my lovely face in the thumbnail, I forgot to take a photo for this one! xx Tessa (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) ...
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