On Repeat #23

Back to Black- Amy Winehouse
I was never really a massive fan of Amy Winehouse. Of course her voice is awesome, but I just never got into it. That is until I was randomly watching The Voice and heard a contestant sing this song. That was the beginning of it and I've been pretty much listening to this song at least once a day since that episode. It's kind of fitting seeing as I've been really into artists like Kendra Morris, ZZ Ward, and Arlissa. Prettaayyy soulful, jazzy vibes lately.
Red Eye - Kid Cudi ft. Haim
I know, I'm late to the game on Indicud. It's heinous. But like, Haim and Kid Cudi. This is a glorious collaboration I never knew I wanted. I'm going to admit, the track is a tiny bit repetitive. Still it's rap and the Haim sisters. Their vocals laid over Cudi's back beat is fantastic. Hopefully now I'll be a little less lame and give this entire album a proper listen.
All Me - Drake
I've been meaning to post this for oh-so-long. Unfortunately, I got caught up in lots of other albums, but this has definitely been on my radar since the real release date (I wouldn't allow myself to listen to it when it leaked). To be honest, this album was a bit hyped up for my taste, still A+, just not as much as everyone was making it out to be. It was great to hear Drake do something a little more laid back, but only this song and The Language really caught my attention. Although a little repetitive, much in Drake's style, but the addition of Big Sean and 2 Chainz had me sold.
Across the Universe - Fiona Apple
So I don't know what exactly inclined me to listen to Fiona this week but whatever it was, I thank it. I'm not a huge Fiona Apple fan but I had never heard her cover of The Beatles "Across the Universe" (which by the way, is one of my favorite songs since I was little) and I instantly fell in love. Her sweet raspy voice did much help to the feel of this song. The same quiet tone as The Beatles themselves intended. 10/10 would recommend this cover.
Your Hand in Mine - Explosions in the Sky
This band has been a favorite of mine for a while. They got their major break from the TV show Friday Night Lights, which featured many of their tracks. I personally love Explosions in the Sky for studying when I really need to get something done. They're an instrumental group but definitely NOT boring. Their songs really grip you and you can feel the emotion even though the words are absent. Check them out, I can almost guarantee you'll be binge listening to them while studying.
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