On Repeat #37

RACHEL Mind Over Matter – Young the Giant      So I finally downloaded YTG’s sophomore album (look how professional) and that was fo sho a solid choice. I think some of us broke girls will definitely have to be attending their concert come March. Tori...
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Campus Essentials

If you're anything like me there are some things you just can't be without (my watch, my phone). This is no different when I venture on to campus (ugh). And in full spirit of getting back into routine, I thought I'd share my campus essentials. BEAUTY Lotion (Nivea Extended Moisture):...
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Recent Purchases #2

As mentioned in my last post, I'll be mentioning/ briefly reviewing a product I bought last Saturday. I was completely torn between the Rouge Dior Couture Color Lipstick in Mauve Mystère and the YSL Glossy Stain in Pourpre Preview. Alas,...
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Tuesday Talk | Winter Nails

Hey, y'all. Who would have ever thought that I would be the first to post for a collaboration post? Just some proof that miracles do happen. School has finally started for everyone here at FBG much to our dismay and irritation, but alas school is necessary. Today we are bringing...
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Breakfast To-Go

     With the onset of the New Year, I decided to make an effort to eat healthier. I know myself too well to think I’d survive a total overhaul of my diet. Thus, I’m taking baby steps – starting with breakfast. Too often I find myself in the Dunkin drive thru...
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On Repeat #36

TORI Chloroform- Phoenix Completely late on the game, I know. I was never a massive fan of Phoenix but their new album is extremely catchy. I have no idea what made me listen to it but I'm glad I did. The album has a really nice flow to it, I'll give them that. The majority of...
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This Week's Favorites | #1

I was honestly at a loss of what to post this week, so I went on bloglovin for a little inspiration (Speaking of, follow us on bloglovin if you aren't already). Much inspired by Kate's (gh0stparties) "This Week's Most Loved...", enjoy my favorite/most used products this week. Chanel...
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My Week #1: Basically Puppies

On my day off last Wednesday I visited one of my really good friends, Marion, and my fur-nephew, Tomato. We got a chance to talk while Tomato had his training session with his Kinesiologist who is awesome and I pretty much completely admire. After Tomato had his two mile...
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Tuesday Talk | Winter Blush

tessa Cargo's Mendocino      I'm not much of a blush junkie, but this is easily a winner for my winter favorite (mostly because I only own like 10 blushes. Whatever). I believe I talked about this in my fall edit, and my love for it applies just the same in winter....
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Study Essentials

Hola everyone and Happy MLK Day! Since most college students start back tomorrow, I figured this would be a perfect post for today. There are a few things I can't live without when studying as well as a couple other tips and tricks I utilize. The essentials first though: 1. Music      Absolutely necessary. The genre of music differs...
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Wishlist | Skincare

     As I mentioned in my Beauty Resolutions post, I'm upping my skincare game this year. Unfortunately the holidays have left me broke, with the imminent semester draining my new year earnings. Though that never stops me from pining over a few things that...
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On Repeat #35

TESSA On My Own - Miley Cyrus I know I'm way behind the bandwagon on this one, but God damn, Miley. A+ 10/10 on this whole album. It's a very real possibility that so far in 2014 all I've listened to is Bangerz and Beyonce. You have to admit that's a pretty flawless combination...
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Bedside Essentials

I'll be honest - I spend a lot more of my time laying in bed watching Netflix than I do just about anything else. Working is probably the only thing that rivals it. Seriously - if I can do it from my bed I will. So naturally there's a few products I keep bedside.. Mostly because...
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Recent Purchases

I told myself that I was going to be on a makeup ban this month. Did that happen? No. Did I make it three days? No. I should really work on my self control when it comes to makeup. That being said, I feel pretty solid about these three purchases...
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Tuesday Talk | Winter Lips

     Haaaallo lovelies! We're proud to announce a new weekly feature on FBG, coming to you each and every Tuesday. Like On Repeat, we'll be collaboratively posting about anything from beauty to movies. We've deemed this the week to share our favorite winter lipsticks,...
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2014 Resolutions

Well, everyone else has done their resolutions for 2014. Why am I not surprised that I procrastinated making resolutions? Sometimes I astound myself with my mastery of procrastination. Anyway, I've split up my resolutions into three categories: beauty, school, and personal. Here goes! beauty Wear eyeshadow more often. I have a serious obsession...
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13 of '13

     No doubt this post has been circulating blogs as of late, so I thought I’d weigh in with my picks of the year. It was actually tough to choose 13 items but I think I’ve nailed what I’ve loved for the past 365. YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat     ...
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