Tuesday Talk | Valentine's Day Food + Films

The Last Song
Normally, I'd select something snarky in an attempt to shun all things related to affection - especially an entire holiday. Instead I've chosen the complete antithesis. A Nicholas Sparks movie. Nay, a Nicholas Sparks movie featuring Miley Cyrus and a Hemsworth. Complete with her own music. I actually quite like Greg Kinnear, her on-screen father...is that odd? (PS check out Stuck in Love feat. him + Logan Lerman - on Netflix!) Oh well, this movie is fabulously cheesy. I'm not even going to delve into how many times I've seen it. NEARING TWO DOZEN. It really makes me question my taste. But srsly everyone should watch this movie. I will be doing just that on the 14th, complete with Xplosive Pizza Goldfish and possibly trial this drink recipe?

The Princess Bride
First off, I would like to say that I'm sure Rachel has watched that movie more than two dozen times. That was our go-to film Freshman year. Between that and Harry Potter, I'm not sure we watched much else. Now that I have that embarrassing confession out of the way, I will join Rachel in adding another "love driven" movie to the list. The Princess Bride is easily my favorite movie and book in the universe, meaning I have it basically memorized line by line. I swear to god the only way that I'll get married is if I have a priest who will lisp the entire wedding, “Mawwage. Mawwage is what bwings us togeva today.” But really, a classic night of pizza and The Princess Bride awaits.
Crazy, Stupid, Love
My obsession with this movie has become a serious illness. I try to pride myself on having impeccable taste in film (top 3? The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, and Braveheart) but when it comes to RomComs, this one takes the cake. The casting is awesome (swoon Emma Stone... I mean Ryan Gosling. I'd take either.) The fact that this movie takes typical boy meets girl (they get together, have a huge fight, then make up and live happily ever after) and turns it out on its head makes this movie so great. The honest look at marriage and how long-term relationships can become stale without realization is on point. Yet in the end everyone is happy. Perfection. Also Ryan Gosling. And Emma Stone. I want to emphasize those points.
He's Just Not That Into You
I'm not big on chick flicks (for the most part), but this one wins everything. The casting is amazing (Jen AND Ben? Yes, please), and the story line really puts everything into perspective. Long term relationships, marriage, dating - this movie covers all of it and will really give you a reality check. It's fantastic. If you ever want a realistic RomCom, this is definitely it. I binge watched this my sophomore year of college and have put it away since. I'll probably pull it back out this month though, for nothing other than pure enjoyment. I'm pretty sure I can quote this nearly line for line, but that's irrelevant. This would be great for a girl's night, with plenty of baked goods, obvi. Because if there's anything I enjoy more than shopping and make up and skincare, it's an excuse to bake.
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