Review | Maybelline Color Whisper vs. Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter

        In my last post, I mentioned both of these products. They are pretty similar in packaging and formula and I thought a comparison post would do nicely for them. Maybelline advertises this product as a gel with pigments for see-through color. The Revlon...
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Current Reads

     Typically I’m a fairly sporadic reader. I plow my way through the first ¾ of a book only to then step away for months at a time. As a result, I usually have several books on the go simultaneously. I’ve quite enjoyed all the options I’m currently engulfed in. Attempting to...
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On Repeat #44

TESSA IV. Sweatpants - Childish Gambino     Let me start this off by saying that it took everything in me not to post a song from Nashville this week.  I won't say which one in case I save it for a later pick. Continuing on to relevant news: how come no one told...
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The Fake Tan Rundown

First off, let me apologize for being an absolute shit blogger these last two weeks. My life is insanity, so it happens. And I'm sorry that I've failed at my New Year's Resolution for this blog but hey, new week and we're back on track. Now on to the real post.... When you're as...
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5 Under $5

Sometimees I feel like I neglect the name of the blog. A lot of products that I talk about are far from budget friendly. I have nothing against drugstore products, I just get extremely caught up in the packaging and the hype of higher end products. I thought in this post I would...
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New In | The Body Shop

       The Body Shop is having a bomb ass sale at the moment, so if you haven't stopped in recently I highly suggest you do. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for my bank account, I have. Skincare is obviously my kryptonite, and I even added a few...
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Evening Skincare Routine

Lately my favorite part of my daily routine is taking all of my makeup off at the end of the day (besides eating of course). I have really fallen for the products I've been using so I feel like it's a good time to post about some of the products that make the process easy and...
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The Beauty Briefcase

     This is one for all you working ladies. When it comes to work makeup the words “rushed” and “slapdash” come to mind. Functioning in the morning is enough of a chore, so looking presentable is a real feat. So, I’ve curated a capsule collection of sorts that will see me through early mornings. BASE     ...
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This Week's Favorites #2

To wrap up this week, I thought I would share some products that I've been loving this week. I was practically dying of a sinus infection and bronchitis since last Saturday. I finally went to the doctor and am now on three different medications and I have Tylenol with codeine...
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On Repeat #43

TESSA Switch - Will Smith      An oldie but a goodie, yet again. Though this hasn't been on my radar all of this week, it definitely caught my attention perusing my Throwbacks playlist and I suddenly remembered my love affair for Will Smith. His 1997 album "Big...
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Spring Inspiration

It seems that spring is finally upon us here in Kansas. And now I'm going to hope and pray that I didn't just jinx it. I've been in a bit of a rut lately as far as fashion and make up goes lately, so here's some spring time inspiration that will hopefully help you if you're looking...
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