Current Reads

     Typically I’m a fairly sporadic reader. I plow my way through the first ¾ of a book only to then step away for months at a time. As a result, I usually have several books on the go simultaneously. I’ve quite enjoyed all the options I’m currently engulfed in. Attempting to motivate myself to finish these up, I’m posting about them. Go me.

This Side of Paradise | F. Scott Fitzgerald
    The Fitzgerald hype is definitely not one to be overlooked, as Gatsby seems to be as popular as ever. Surprisingly I wasn’t required to read it in high school. I got my hands on it anyway, and was unsurprisingly hooked. Of course this prompted me to read more of his work, and This Side of Paradise was next in line. If the Roaring 20s is of interest to you I’d highly suggest you take a look at this. I don’t much feel the need to speak to the writing quality – because you know he’s only one of the most famous American novelists in all history. Still, it’s fantastic. (PS – totally judge this book by its cover because it’s beauuutiful.)

Allegiant (Divergent Triology) | Veronica Roth
    I’m telling you right now, if you like dystopian literature of any kind you should look into this series. It’s a quick, simple read but definitely allows you to escape in the story. Plus you’ll have the satisfaction (or disappointment?) of the ensuing movie adaptations. Roth switches up the structure in this final installment, which is initially a little jolting. However, once I’m properly involved I’m sure it will breeze by. A great option for sprang break, when you have some down time to spare.

Quiet | Susan Cain
    This was actually sparked by a professor’s recommendation during class. I’ve taken advantage of a free download on Audible (because holy hell their books are expensive). Regardless this has been a great way to wind down. I’m getting too old to read at night without passing out, so this is a suitable alternative. The narration is oddly soothing, and I think the subject lends itself well to being read aloud. I thoroughly enjoy learning about psychology, and Cain’s book explores the nature of introversion. She cites a host of interesting theories, without making things too data-laden. If you’d like a break from fiction this is an awesome read/listen.

What’s currently on your book shelves? I’d love recommendations!



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