On Repeat #48

Bambi- Tokyo Police Club
Tokyo Police Club has been an old favorite of mine and they made their way into my Spotify playlist and I haven't stopped listening to Champ (2010). They have an interesting sound; it's not super indie, but I really am not sure how to describe it. Wow, not helpful, I know. Anyway, it was pretty difficult for me to pick a song because I have just been listening to this album straight through. This is actually a band that I can listen to while studying; which is pretty weird because I need absolute concentration, no vocals, while I'm studying.
Salute - Little Mix
So I'll be honest, I was not on the Little Mix bandwagon at first. In my book, nothing could (will ever) beat the Spice Girls so I was a little reluctant. Not to mention I have insane hair envy of all of them. Perry was actually one of my inspirations to go back blonde. Anyway, I started listening to their newest album after I became obsessed with Move, which is ridiculously catchy, much like the rest of their album. As per usual, I'm obsessed with the beat of this song and it's an awesome one to blast with the windows down. This has been making the rounds as one of my most played for about a month now. If you want a glimpse into how talented these girls are, listen to Boy off this album. A freaking plus, ladies.

Days - The Drums
My music has been in desperate need of a pick-me-up now that spring has finally arrived. Since my favorite band for the summer is Best Coast, I created a Spotify radio station (no commercials, unlike Pandora) for the band. Cue a ridiculous amount of new bands to listen to! I came across this song by The Drums and was immediately hooked.
People Are Strange - The Doors
It's been a bit of a stormy week in KC, so I was all about a laid back musical selection. Not to mention I'm just ever so slightly yet totally over school all together. So in comes The Doors. "People Are Strange" is obviously one of their most popular tracks but it's always been a favorite of mine. Don't quite know where you've been if you've never heard it, but don't worry it's easily accessible on Spotify. Big shout out to "Wish You Were Here" from ma home boys Pink Floyd too.
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