Tuesday Talk | Finals Study Tips

     Finals have crept up on us here at FBG - cue a few minor breakdowns, several pleas for graduation to hurry up, and a lot of coffee. If you're also trying to hang on to that GPA, no worries. We've got you covered with a few of our study tips. We wish you ladies luck with finals!

     Studying is such a personal venture that nothing is a universal solution. However, I have found that avoiding unnecessary contact with the computer or cell is hugely beneficial. I am always for an occasional break from texts, tweets, etc. - but it becomes especially important whilst I'm studying. The last thing I want to do by the end of the semester is write a research paper, so distractions automatically become more alluring. Try doing as much work as possible without a computer. Use the 'Do Not Disturb' mode on your phone. Do a little preliminary research for your essay and then log off to write an outline by hand.  Then you can return to the computer with a clear idea of what you want to write, so you're more likely to stay focused. Need to nail a final? Print off a hard copy of your study guide (definitely make one if it's not provided for you) and keep it with you to get in a little studying whenever you can. I quite like to do this, and then give myself a break. I'll watch television, and on commercial breaks mute the TV and read through my study guide. This is also helpful if you have any downtime at work or between classes, since you won't need access to a computer or heavy books on hand.

Take a Break
       Seems that I'm taking the opposite route of Rachel a bit here, but to me, nothing is worse than the looming endless studying I have. The biggest thing I've found that helps me is to just take a break and walk away. At some point, you can only cram so much, and there's no use in stressing out more. Not to say that you shouldn't study at all, but taking a break can be hugely beneficial. Even if it's just taking 20 minutes to do a quick work out, or go grab froyo with a friend, or catch a few minutes of a game, it's well worth it to keep your sanity. This is really helpful if the subject you're studying for is one you're absolutely dreading (for me, abnormal psychology) or you're really stressing out over it. So take a deep breath, and take a couple minutes for yourself. At the end of the day, it's just a test, not life or death.

Get out of your house/apartment
       Many people are able to study in their apartment or house. I was even able to last semester on a consistent basis. However, last finals and this entire semester I've taken a different route and basically lived at the library. Last semester, my friends and I camped out at a table on one of the quiet floors of the library and buckled down for twelve hours at a time. Granted, this method isn't optimum for those who can't study for longer periods of time but we would often take breaks to get food or go home for a quick nap (emphasis on quick). The best part about having your friends there is that they motivate you to get work done because everyone absolutely has to study. Also, when you want to go home for a nap or to grab a quick bite, you don't have to pack up all your stuff! Bonus.


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