On Repeat #26

Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High - Arctic Monkeys
Jenny mentioned this album a couple weeks ago, and I've seriously had it on repeat ever since it came out. I'm so bummed out that tickets to their show sold out on the first day and I didn't get them... The things I would do to get tickets.....The whole album is fantastic. It's definitely been my go-to for my morning commutes (which are the worst btw). There's not a bad song on the whole album, and I can't choose a favorite but this just tends to be the one I always go to first. And it's pretty relatable if you have those "without a doubt I'm going to blow up your phone at 2 am when the bars close" kind of people in your phone. So go give it a listen, and the rest of the album while you're at it. You won't regret it.

About Your Dress- The Maccabees
I've loved the Maccabees for a long time now, and I am honestly surprised I've never picked them for On Repeat. Given to the Wild, their newest album, is beautiful, not a bad song on it. However, I've been playing it a bit old school lately with "About Your Dress." There's just something that I absolutely adore about this song. Lately it's the first song I play to turn a bad day around, and of course it does the trick every time. And hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?
Shot at the Night - The Killers
I'm not sure how someone could not love The Killers because they are, in my opinion, one of the best bands to ever grace this Earth (despite the negative, derogatory comments made by their band leader... but I don't take that into account when listening to their music). This is their most recent hit (they have so many already) and it's been played nonstop on my phone recently. This song is incredibly catchy and takes you into a daydream of thinking that maybe anything could happen if you took a chance. It's getting to that holiday time and I tend to listen to wishful and dreamy music now because of how "magical" this time of year is. Shoot me, I'm a romantic. Also, the music video is adooooorable.
The Game Has Changed - TRON Legacy Soundtrack
This is weird and nerdy, I know. For some unknown reason I'm quite fond of film soundtracks but *especially* if they're orchestrated by Daft Punk. Not only is this movie pretty damn cool, but they hired only the most fitting duo ever to put music to it. I am not a hardcore fan of their independent work but this is on point. The remix album has some quality tunage as well. Highlights: Pretty Lights and Boys Noize. If you haven't watched/heard this movie, get thee to a television. Stat.
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