On Repeat #27

Midnight Memories - One Direction
Let's just make this clear: I have no self control and am completely shameless in my One Direction obsession. I promised myself I wasn't going to listen to the new album.. at least for a while. And then it leaked, and somehow ended up on my phone. There's a good chance that it's all I've listened to since Monday. While I haven't been able to find a song that I don't like on this album, I just can't ever get Midnight Memories out of my head. So if you haven't already, go give it a listen. Or be a good person and wait until the album release. Whatever.

Fantasy (Zaphoon Remix)- MS MR
When this album first came out, "Fantasy" was one of my favorites. When Spotify sent out a beautiful message saying that MS MR had released the Fantasy Remix EP, I was prettayyy stoked. Sometimes remixes bore me, I love them when they begin but feel they last just a tad to long. That's what I love about this remix, it is just the right length with some nice beats and a good edit of the lyrics. This EP also includes "Dance Yrself Clean," which is pretty solid as well.
Come to Me - Jesse McCartney I'm 100% with Tessa on the One Direction front, without fail those bastards end up in my speakers. It's angering really. Anyhow, before I downloaded that gem of a leaked album this week I was allllll about the JMac. 11 year old me was in love with Jesse, and 20 year old me is still in love with Jesse from 2004. I have a thing for men who can sing higher than me, okay?! If you don't jam to this song, I just don't understand you. Go have a listen and relive the glory days.
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