On Repeat #41

TESSA I Hold On - Dierks Bentley We all knew the come back of a country choice for On Repeat was coming, and here it is. I've had his new album replaying (along with Cole Swindell's and Jake Owen's) all week long, desperately craving spring/summer weather. The amount of times...
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Barely There | Favorite Nudes

We all know what big fans we are of neutral colors here at FBG, so I figured I'd share some of my favorite nudes with you - from eyeshadows to nail polish. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's not a better palette to transition from winter to spring (which we're still desperately waiting...
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Review | MAC Fix+

     As a MAC junkie, I'm really surprised at how long it took me to purchase Fix+. I think it took me so long to decide on it because I hadn't really seen any reviews on it. I was kind of confused if it was supposed to set my makeup or if it was just a hydrating...
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Tuesday Talk | Current Netflix Binge

All of us broke girls thoroughly enjoy an extensive lie-in with our TVs, which is no secret. You always hear us rattling on about it, so we thought we'd share what we're currently (obsessively) watching! rachel Bates Motel       I'd actually seen this advertised...
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The Medalists

     Seeing as today is the end of the Winter Olympics, I thought I’d write my own Closing Ceremony for a few products I’ve trialed lately! GOLD Prestige Cosmetics Total Intensity Eyeshadow in “Bewitched”      I picked this up on a whim...
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On Repeat #40

TORI World Music - Ahnnu      I feel like choosing one song from this album would just be unfair, so I chose the whole thing. They are all pretty short tunes (:45-2:12) and I listen to it in its entirety. I learned of Ahnnu from Jenn Im (clothesencounters)...
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The Most Used Drawer

On a little bit of inspiration from Tori's post last week, I tackled organizing all my make up as well. I wasn't happy with my previous system, and I'm not 100% satisfied with this one, but it's at least better because I'm not constantly digging for products. Enter, the most used...
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Product Spotlight | Seventh Generation Boosts

I first heard of this brand from Rachel. I was looking for a pretty cheap serum that wouldn't lack in quality. I went to my closest Walgreens to check it out and found that there about six different serums in the range. I battled for probably thirty minutes on which one to choose...
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Tuesday Talk | Favorite Drugstore Brushes

rachel      Out of pure practicality, and to spare you from another mention of Real Techniques, I selected perhaps my most relied upon brush. This actually came in the Essential Tools Hi Def Deluxe Duo Eye Set. I've only spotted these at WalMart but if you can...
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Review | Maybelline Color Elixir vs. L'Oreal Color Extraordinaire

               Lip gloss and I never really got along. It’s sticky, messy, and super girly – like, how am I supposed to enjoy that? However, a few new releases intrigued me and I gave them a shot. Both Maybelline ($6.99) and L’Oreal...
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On Repeat #39

TESSA Who Gon Stop Me - Jay Z & Kanye West Aaaand I'm back, with something not country. You're welcome, I suppose. I've been in a bit of rediscovery mode this week; Which, yes, has included some country as well. Ultimately though, Jay & Yeezy took back my heart with...
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What's On My Face #1

After my crazy, last minute impulse trip to Manhattan on Monday and a slew of tests, homework and projects being thrown at me this week, my make up routine has been at an all time low. I've been wearing as little of make up as possible, considering I'm getting next to no sleep with...
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This Week's Favorites #1

This week I thought I would just share with you a couple (or five) items that I've really been loving the past week. Once I get into the habit of things I find myself doing the same makeup routine everyday, oops. Anywho, two of my favorites are foundations. This week, like pretty...
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Get Ready With Me | Gameday

I tried to get this up ASAP considering the Cats won and I thought it would be appropriate to celebrate by showing you how I did my make up for the game. Yes, I am indeed crazy enough to drive two hours on a Monday night to watch basketball. Also, not sure what happened at the beginning of the video, or why it's choppy in some parts — Sorry!...
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Tuesday Talk | The Red Lip Edit

     Seeing as this Friday is Valentine's Day, we thought we'd share our favorite red lipsticks to don. Whether you have a real date, or you just decided to be fancy before you retire to a night of Netflix - we've got you covered. rachel NARS Dragon Girl  ...
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Saturday Makeup | Splurge vs. Save

     If you recall, I’ve written a post akin to this before. I quite liked the idea of options so I’m resurrecting it for a second go. This time around I’m talking casual Saturday makeup. I’m usually out and about so I aim to be put together but effortless. Some...
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On Repeat #38

JEN Teleport 2 Me, Jamie - WZRD feat. Desire      This song is my jaaaaam. Fun fact: WZRD is actually Kid Cudi. This song was released in 2012 and the fact that I have spent two years without it in my life makes me depressed. The background music by Desire...
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One Swipe Shadows

MAC Constructivist, Urban Decay Naked 2, Urban Decay Liar, bh cosmetics Sun, Maybelline Barely Branded We all have those mornings where we don't feel like doing our make up but still need to manage to look presentable. Enter: minimal make up and one sweep shadows. Now, I myself...
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