On Repeat #4

Dark Doo Wop - MS MR
Another duo has caught my attention this week, and along with them, another tale of dark love. Just trying to keep things light and upbeat for the onset of summer, yeah? Anyhow, MS MR are quite a recent find for me but I foresee them becoming a favorite of mine. I catch hints of Florence Welch and even a wee bit of Lana Del Rey in their singles. Not to mention, Lizzy Plapinger has some badass hair. Dark Doo Wop is definitely my favorite track on the EP (Though all the songs are pretty kewwwl). Maybe because "This world is gonna burn / burn, burn, burn" is how I feel during finals. But I digress. I'm fo sho looking forward to their full album release (Secondhand Rapture) on the 14th of this month, and you should too!

Pirate Flag - Kenny Chesney
Well, it's almost summer time and while I've been downing in deadlines and studying for finals (which is to blame for the lack of posts lately, so sorry!) I've been daydreaming about summer. Which means it's time for another country song to be my pick for On Repeat this week. I don't even care if you don't like country music, if you listen to this song and it doesn't make you instantly want to be on a beach somewhere with some sort of tropical drink in your hand you're so wrong it's not even funny. That also happens to be exactly why I love this song. Because even though I'm sitting at a cluttered desk designing ads or studying for my dreaded math final or watching lectures for my online class, I can at least feel like I'm that much closer to getting to a beach and having nothing to worry about. And I traded it in for a whole other world, a pirate flag and an island girl.
Hibernate- Pretty & Nice
Settle Down - Kimbra
So, when Somebody That I Use To Know came out I became astounded by the amazing "Girl" voice in the song. I then found out that voice was Kimbra. Until about a week ago I forgot I had this song on my phone. The sweet tone and sort of, interesting, lyrical topic has been stuck in my head for the past few days. I suggest listening to it, if you loved her as much as I did in Gotye's song.
Kiss a Girl - Keith Urban
I almost hate myself for putting up a country song, but that's just been my mojo. I have absolute NO desire to study for finals (which start tomorrow, oops) so I've been more focused on my summer that starts Wednesday. Does anybody else feel like it's not summer yet? What's going on? Anyway, this song is summer to a T for me. Not sure why. Guess I'm planning on kissing some girls.... er, guys. Whichever floats your boat. I'm rambling. It's 2am. Too much information on reaction-coordinate diagrams in my brain. CHECK IT OUT.
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