On Repeat #5
I Love It (I Don't Care) - Icona Pop
This song is going to be the anthem of my summer, I'm declaring it now. This song has essentially summed up my feelings this week as I took my last finals and prepared to move back home, because really nothing else mattered except for the fact that I was getting ready to be reunited with my other Broke Girls. Anytime this song comes on I can't help but turn it up and sing along (rather badly, I might add). Anyway, great song. A+ Icona Pop. And after seeing Charli XCX last night, I'm even more obsessed with this song, and her. So much so I downloaded her whole album earlier.
Homewrecker-Marina and the Diamonds
Okay, Okay. So I know I've already done a song by Marina on a post, but, I can't help it. She's a great singer/song writer. I also happened to see her live and meet her last night, so needless to say, I'm in a lovin' Marina kind of mood. Though, I am not or have never been a "homewrecker" this song is extremely catchy and I love the line " and I don't belong, to any one". If you haven't already LISTEN TO MARINA.

Shuffle - Bombay Bicycle Club
So, I've known about this band for a while now but never really gotten into them. However these four dudes from London have caught my attention this week. I'm not usually one for anything particularly upbeat, but I cannot get this song out of my head this week. I guess I'm just a lil' ecstatic that finals are over, woooo. The rest of their album A Different Kind of Fix is growing on me as well. The beat is almost infectious (totally not a cliche at all), so go feast your ears on this lovely piece of music!

Sabotage - Beastie Boys
Well I had a different song on here before us five broke girls started watching Star Trek. And then Sabotage started playing... and I immediately wanted to change it. I've been listening to some more throwback music (70s and 90s specifically) and this is one of the greatest. Always. There's not much more to say than if you haven't heard this song, you need to. Right. Now.
Sixpack- Jeff the Brotherhood
"Sixpack" from their newest album Hypnotic Nights is the first song I listened to after my last final. It was just the song I needed to get my summer started the right way. Jake and Jamin are both super chill guys and their live shows just make me love them more. Their sound is so unique due to Jake's approach on only playing three strings on his guitar. I love this entire album, produced by Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys.
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