Favorites | Places to Shop

This post is all about places to shop that provide quality clothing without completely breaking the bank. We all know about Forever 21 and H&M but what happens when we get older and need to actually start buying stuff that lasts? Clueless, obvi. Or maybe we want something...
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On Repeat #28

TESSA Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo ft. 2 Chainz At this point we all know 2 Chainz is my guilty pleasure. But this week's pick is fully to blame on Kayley and One Direction (the video I'm linking will make you understand why). Not only did it confirm that I have the same personality...
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One Product Four Ways| Black Leggings

For this week's collaboration post, we wanted to give you guys some holiday outfit ideas using one staple piece and showing you how each of us would individually style it. (NOTE: If you guys like this idea please let us know and it might become a regular on the blog. Maybe not styling...
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Changes to my skincare routine | Tori

After I mistakenly browsed Caroline Hirons blog, I was absolutely positive, and slightly anxious, that what I was using was not up to par. So I took a little jaunt down to Walgreens after work and bought some new products. For a drugstore, Walgreens has some prettayy solid stuff....
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Empties No. 1

         Hola everyone, I'm back to share my empties with you via video. Thank the lawd because that shit had been accumulating foeva. YouTube is being dumb and not letting me upload a custom thumbnail, so just revel in my beauty for a lil' bit.  Anyhow...
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On Repeat #27

TESSA Midnight Memories - One Direction Let's just make this clear: I have no self control and am completely shameless in my One Direction obsession. I promised myself I wasn't going to listen to the new album.. at least for a while. And then it leaked, and somehow ended up...
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IPSY Glam Bag | November

After a long hiatus from subscription boxes, I'm back with a new bag from Ipsy. At one point I was subscribed to both Ipsy and Birchbox, and after about three months on each I unsubscribed from both. After a lot of thinking, and a lot of Eleventh Gorgeous watching, I renewed my...
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Damage Remedy and Pure Abundance | Review

I'm baaaaaaaack. So, as some of you may have noticed I've taken a little "break" from FBG but alas, I am back and more determined to tell you alllllll about my new love affair with Aveda. If you've never heard of Aveda and what they stand for I advise taking a little trip...
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Review | Wen Fig Cleansing Conditioner

I'm sure we've all seen the Wen infomercials and all of the miraculous before and after pictures. That being said, we've all seen the price too. Not that pretty for a small bottle, but hey, it's a 5-in-1 product. Typically when it comes to hair, anything that acts as a 2-in-1 freaks...
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Product of the Day | Neutral Eye Cream Shadows

Hellerr again, folks. Long time no see... (jokes, I posted on Saturday). Today I decided to review a basic, common product: a neutral cream eye shadow. I have three in my personal collection but am yearning for two others that I will also discuss. From top left clockwise: Maybelline...
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Fake Awake | Splurge vs. Save

     Everyone has those mornings where you look (and feel) like sleep is an elusive, mysterious magic that you've never quite mastered. Unfortunately, that's how I feel 5/7 days a week. There really should be a Hogwarts of slumber. To ensure that I look like I logged...
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Miracle Product | Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser

So I know it's been a while since I did a product review. The truth is, I've been broke. *surprise* But along came a point where I ran out of makeup removing wipes so I had to make a trip to Target which is always a dangerous trek. This time I did some research before buying...
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On Repeat #26

TESSA Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High - Arctic Monkeys      Jenny mentioned this album a couple weeks ago, and I've seriously had it on repeat ever since it came out. I'm so bummed out that tickets to their show sold out on the first day and I didn't get...
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How I Style | Leather Leggings

After long-time lusting over wanting a pair of leather leggings, I finally caved. And though I didn't buy the $1000+ ones I've been loving on my Polyvore, I did get quite the steal on these from Forever 21. Here's just a few options on how I will style them, and hopefully some inspiration for you guys! (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ ...
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Draw the Line | Tori

As mentioned by Rachel, Sephora has their gift sets out and we are all crying with joy. I think I spent more time perusing that section than I did the whole store. I recently went through my makeup and threw out some that I had desperately clung to in hopes they weren't gone. I...
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Review | YSL Le Teint Touche Éclat

      Alrightay, I know both Tori and I have mentioned this foundation several times, but the day has come for a proper review. There are loads of opinions available on this product as it was quite hyped after its initial launch. However, at $55 for the standard...
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Huge Haul | Tessa

Every time I get paid, I swear I'm not going to go crazy spending money. I failed. Enjoy my outrageous spending habits in this haul. (ps - this was in a couple trips over probably the last month.. and by trips I mean binges). xx Tessa (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new...
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Favorite Blogs

          Hola everybody, so since Kayley is posting bi-weekly now the rest of us will be quickly chiming in on her off weeks! We haven't locked down a topic that we'll stick to, so expect us to be mixing it up just a lil' bit. We're kickstarting...
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October Favorites | Tori

I've returned to YouTube! Still as awkward as ever. I filmed a little ramble on some beauty favorites as well as two nonbeauty favorites. My goal this month is to better about filming. If I don't film a video at least every other week, Rachel has permission to punch me until I do. I know she'll be stoked. She punches hard. Watch the video ...
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FOTD | Seeing Red

Hola! As I was doing my makeup this morning I noticed I was actually getting into it and having some fun... unheard of when you're a busy college student in the middle of midterms! I ended up experimenting a little with this dark burgundy eyeshadow I have. It turned out really...
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Review | Tarte Thoughtful Treasures

  Barely November, and retailers have  already begun the onslaught of Christmas merchandise. Not that I'm complaining, because this means a few things: 1. I can start listening to the JB Christmas album scarily soon. 2. Food. 3.  Makeup value gift sets.     ...
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On Repeat #25

TORI Ipswich- Georgi Kay I first saw Georgi Kay's name listed on a BuzzFeed article that Tessa posted about 20 Female Artists Under 20. The stuff that I have heard from her is mostly slower-paced. While "Ipswich" is possibly the darkest song I've ever posted, I can't stop playing...
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